John Fischer

John Henry Fischer

Shareholder Nominee Director

John Henry Fischer is a Shareholder Nominee Director representing Accion Africa-Asia Investment Company. John Fischer joined Accion in August 2000 as an Investment Professional and is currentlyAccion’s Chief Investment Officer and oversees all ofAccion’s investments. Accion invests in financial institutions and fintechs that develop products and services focused on the world’s three billion financially underserved.

John has served on the Boards of Directors and key committees of leading microfinance institutions worldwide such as BancoSol (Bolivia), Mibanco Banco de la Microempresa (Peru), Banco Solidario (Ecuador), Banco Popular Covelo (Honduras), Sociedad de Ahorro y Credito Integral (El Salvador), Akiba Commercial Bank (Tanzania), Pan-African Savings and Loans (Ghana), Accion Microfinance Bank (Nigeria), Northern Arc Capital (India), Dvara KGFS (India), Saija (India) and Dvara Solutions (India).

He has direct responsibility for Accion Global Investments and sits on the Investment Committees of the Accion Frontier Inclusion Fund and the Accion Quona Inclusion Fund, growth stage fintech for inclusion funds, managed by Quona Capital.

John holds a B.Afrom Haverford College and Master of Business Administration and Master of International Relations from Boston University.